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What are we selling on the UNICEF flea market?

Students from our school are going to the UNICEF flea market on this Friday as volunteers! That’s Nov 25 in case you want to know the date~

If you’re not one of the volunteers you can still come to the flea market at Le Meridian Hotel whatever you want to do? Ha.. no I’m kidding... you may still come to the hotel and buy things from the flea market and join us! All the money will go to the UNICEF as donation!

Sooooo! What’re we selling on the flea market? Here’s a list:

1. Lip balm

2.dolls/stuffed animals(second hand) 3.books (secondhand)

4.handmade bracelets 5.handmade cookies/brownies

6.decoration lights(second hand) beads thingy


We might have more cool stuff. You never know.. you have to come to know what other cool stuff we’ll be selling

Be kind.Be loving.See you soon.

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