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By Manila Xiamen International School got hacked lolllll
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Crazy u got hacked :<
ewww nasty
Prepping the Horror House!
Preparing for the Cultural Fair!
Back At It Again!
MXIS House System 2018
2018 MXIS Music Culminating Activity
Chinese New Year Food Sale Preparation
Valentine's Day Interview Video
First Day of School 2018
Design Presentation
UN Day 2017 backstage
Recent Posts
Welcome Ray and Suhyun to our team!
We have our last two members joined the crew on the last day of application!
Does Music Help on Study?
Imagine 2pm on Saturday, you are in a bracing leisure café with fresh coffee scent and chillaxing music, soft sunlight gleaming on your...
Students Mimicking Rich Mean Girls
Our interviewer, Amy Wu came up with this idea of this interesting and fun video! Check it out! Our interviewer Amy Wu and her Fish mic!...
Photos of the week!
We post pictures taken in school every week! Scroll down to see if you're featured! Photo Credits: Hannah Hyun, Charmaine Fu, Michael...
Who invented the popcorn!?
We all enjoy popcorn don't we? They come in all sorts of flavors: Chocolate, Butter, Caramel, Cheese, I could go on and on until the next...
Psychology behind Hand Gestures
Hello hello dear schoolmates! Have you ever wondered why do people always move their hands while they're talking? More specifically, when...
Michael Chong and Andy Lu are on the team!
Michael Chong is accepted as our third photographer and Andy Lu as another graphic designer!
Let's welcome Amy Wu as our interviewer!
Congratulations Amy Wu to be part of the crew as an interviewer! This is how Amy describes herself as a person! We hope to see incredible...
Alex Lee! Our new member as graphic designer!
Here's and amazing art work of his. We hope to see many more of his artworks in the future!
Welcome Hannah Hyun to the crew!
Hannah Hyun had been accepted as a member of the Social Media Crew! Our new member for the photography department! Here are some photos...
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Prepping the Horror House!
Preparing for the Cultural Fair!
Let's Get The Halloween Spirit On!
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