What is BRICS? by Genie Chuang
B razil
R ussia I ndia C hina S outh Africa

Have you been hearing a lot about BRICS these days? Have your lives been effected because of this? Do you know what BRICS is? Let us tell you all about it……… The BRICS summit is an annual meeting of the five leading economy emerging nations, which focused on future development agendas and coordination both within the BRICS and with other international organizations.
It was originated in the year 2009, and composes of four countries who named themselves the BRIC. In 2010, South Africa has joined this ally, and the BRIC become the currently known BRICS. It is now a group of nations that include 43% of the world population.
~~OMG~~ Under China’s chairmanship, the ninth BRICS summit was held in XIAMEN from September 3rd-5th this year. Based on our secret sources, the streets are entirely cleaned up, the roads are completely secured, and the entire city has been lighted up for this very meeting that created approximately $16 trillion financial benefits.
This year, the 10 key topics are: Finance & Central Banks, Trade, Business Forum & Council, Financial Forum, Academic Forum, Health, Science & Technology, Security, Agriculture, and Statistics.
Want to know how the world will be changed by this summit which is once so close to us???
Let’s all wait and see……!!!