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By Manila Xiamen International School got hacked lolllll
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ewww nasty
Prepping the Horror House!
Preparing for the Cultural Fair!
Back At It Again!
MXIS House System 2018
2018 MXIS Music Culminating Activity
Chinese New Year Food Sale Preparation
Valentine's Day Interview Video
First Day of School 2018
Design Presentation
UN Day 2017 backstage
Recent Posts
Heater Precaution
Today, we had a minor explosion/fire that was caught by the overheat heater and socket in a classroom. It was quite intimidating for all...
MUN Consulting Center
Scan to join this groupchat below to join the MXIS MUN consulting center. They post MUN news from all over China and keep you posted...
It’s Thanksgiving Day!
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday that we celebrate on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the...
A revolutionary way to eat 老坛酸菜面
Today we decided to pass down the secret recipe to make the Chinese ramen: 老坛酸菜面 The seniors have been eating the ramen this way for...
VOTE for Edutech Asia's Best K-12 educator
Let’s vote for Raymond Mitchell Africa as Asia’s Best K-12 Teacher of the Year! 🌟Vote under K-12 Teacher of the Year Award 🌟The voting...
What is BRICS? by Genie Chuang
B razil R ussia I ndia C hina S outh Africa Have you been hearing a lot about BRICS these days? Have your lives been effected because of...
Let's talk about BRICS for this week!
I believe all of the students have a lot to talk about this huge conference that is held in Xiamen! Do you like what BRICS has brought to...
Who invented the popcorn!?
We all enjoy popcorn don't we? They come in all sorts of flavors: Chocolate, Butter, Caramel, Cheese, I could go on and on until the next...
Psychology behind Hand Gestures
Hello hello dear schoolmates! Have you ever wondered why do people always move their hands while they're talking? More specifically, when...
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Prepping the Horror House!
Preparing for the Cultural Fair!
Let's Get The Halloween Spirit On!
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